Are toxins in your home affecting your fertility?

Many of the biggest fertility dangers in your personal environment are in your home! Cleaning products, pest control, personal hygiene items as well as furniture and building materials that appear to be “safe” chemicals may be having a negative effect on your hormones. 

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These chemicals, found in your home, can create oestrogenic activity in the body and are known as Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDC). That is, they act like oestrogen, a female hormone, and can accumulate in hormonally sensitive tissues. They will attach to the receptor site but because they are not really the hormone intended for that cell, they will block the correct message and deliver an incorrect message, signalling the cell and directing it to do the wrong things. This has a negative impact on the hormonal system and may lead to fertility challenges. 

These chemicals can have an impact on you if you directly contact them or not. Just having them in your environment is enough to affect your hormonal system as there is an outgas and they pollute the air you breathe in your home.

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Research has shown that chemicals found in the types of products named above as well as in those used in plasticisers (plastics), pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and industrial products all negatively impact endocrine function and thus hormonal balance. When this balance is upset this can lead to all sorts of fertility problems including infertility.

Although it may be impossible to completely avoid all endocrine disruptors there is a lot you can do to dramatically decrease you and your partners exposure in your home.

The first massive step you can take is to get all the EDC in your home OUT! Especially avoid physical contact, breathing in outgassed fumes and drinking unfiltered water. This means removing all chemical products stored in your home like cleaning products, pest control and personal care products.

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Aluminium mimics oestrogen and has been shown to be able to penetrate through the skin and into the body. Phthalates are found in deodorants, hairspray, fragrances, nail polish, household cleaning products, vinyl flooring, food packaging and plastic bags. Research has shown that phthalates may impair the development of reproductive organs of babies in utero.

Women need to also consider the types of tampons and pads they use. Most brands contain hundreds of chemicals, plastics, synthetic materials, chlorine bleaches and dyes.

The truth is for cleaning you only need vinegar, bicarb-soda with tea tree oil or eucalyptus. Easy!

Plastics leek oestrogen hormone look a-likes too. Do not use plastics to store food and do not drink out of plastic bottles or cups. Research has found that even BPA free containers leek estrogenic chemicals.

Go ahead now and clean out your home to provide a healthier environment for you and your family. If you have had your children don’t forget to protect the environment for them. You don’t want them suffering later in life with fertility issues if this may be one thing you can do to give them the best opportunity to keep at their best.

Fertility and helping support females with their reproductive function is one of our passions here at Global Chiropractic. Please feel free to contact us further if you would love more information on (03) 54443388 or email [email protected].

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